Because “business as usual” is no longer an option, what can you do to ensure that your plan and actions are fit for the future and sustainable world?

Embracing corporate social activities for what they really are: assets for business transformation - While talking about creating shared value, the seminar looks at both sides of the coin where number one, the company invests to improving the lives and livelihoods of its employees and others in the society and number two, the competitive advantage that the company derives from such endeavors. Then, creating shared value if adopted as a business strategy has the potential to contribute to sustainable economic development for a country.
Today forces including social consciousness, the political agenda, increasing investor focus, sustainability enablers and the cost of climate change are rapidly converging to further accelerate the sustainability imperative. It requires defining, shaping and implementing intelligent solutions to make a positive impact on society and the environment without sacrificing financial returns. The strategic reflection needs to happen at every stage of strategic-planning . We will support you with frameworks and methodologies.

Creating a roadmap for sustainable, transformational change - the time has come to create a sustainability roadmap and toolkit for everyone investing in transformational change. We do not expect to achieve the mash-up in one or two workshops, Our ambition is to catalyse a process and help provide a sense of direction. The workshop process take participants through various stages, including a backcasting exercise from 2030. Then it dug into perceptions of the need for system change, the trajectories of breakthrough innovation and the key barriers that stand in the way of progress.